Claudia, an eternal dreamer, since he was small he wrote with the maturity of an adult. Very intelligent for his age and aware of what's happening around you. I know from kindergarten:)
Marta, decisa e ambiziosa, ha sempre avuto una particolare dote: la capacità di ascoltare.
Mi ha accolto quando non avevo nessuno, la conosco dalla quarta elementare
Marta, determined and ambitious, has always had a special gift: the ability to listen.
He received me when I had no one, I know her from the fourth
He received me when I had no one, I know her from the fourth
Marti, o meglio Gigia, lei è in assoluto la persona a cui tengo di più. Ogni qual volta ho bisogno di lei posso star certa di trovarla, nonostante ci siamo conosciute solo 4 anni fa siamo molto legate. Condivido con lei la mia passione per la moda ;)
Marti, Gigia or rather, she is absolutely the person I care most about. Whenever I need you will be sure to find it, although we met only four years ago are very related. I share with you my passion for fashion;)
Marti, Gigia or rather, she is absolutely the person I care most about. Whenever I need you will be sure to find it, although we met only four years ago are very related. I share with you my passion for fashion;)
Alessandra, Alina, questa faccina dolce nasconde una forte personalità che spesso però ha paura di tirar fuori. Un'ottima amica, la persona pià razionale del gruppo! La conosco da 4 anni..
Alessandra, Alina, this sweet little face hides a strong personality but often afraid to pull out. A very good friend, the pious person rational of the group! I know from 4 years ..
Alessandra, Alina, this sweet little face hides a strong personality but often afraid to pull out. A very good friend, the pious person rational of the group! I know from 4 years ..
Cinzia, pazza, incredibilmente pazza. La persona più dolce e tenera che conosco, nella foto è con il suo ragazzo, Andrea, stanno insieme da ben 2 anni ( ormai quasi 3) e riescono a essere sempre così uniti :)
Cinzia, crazy, incredibly crazy. The most sweet and tender person I know, in the photo is with her boyfriend, Andrew, have been together for well 2 years (almost 3) and can always be so close:)
Cinzia, crazy, incredibly crazy. The most sweet and tender person I know, in the photo is with her boyfriend, Andrew, have been together for well 2 years (almost 3) and can always be so close:)
Jola, la nostra bellissima bionda, da quando 2 anni fa si è trasferita ad Empoli non riusciamo a vederci sempre come prima ma il nostro rimane comunque un ottimo rapporto :)
Jola, our beautiful blonde, since two years ago she moved to Empoli we can not always see us as our first but is still a good value:)
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